Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Story 3 - episode 9
Monday, March 30, 2015
Story 3 - episode 8
¿Por qué necesitan una cama el mono, el pollo y el elefante?
Episode 8:
Episode 8 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. If "necesita" is "he/she needs" and "necesitan" means "they need", what do you think the elephant means when he tells the monkey, "necesitamos"?
2. What will I see at the end of an action to say "we ___"?
3. What would "Vamos" mean then?
4. When the elephant says, "Vuelvo", why does he say "Vuelvo" and not "vuelve" if "vuelve" means "he/she comes/goes back"?
corren de,
el elefante azul,
el mono,
el pollo,
la calle,
la selva,
story 3,
tener vs estar,
tengo hambre,
tiene hambre,
un plan,
Story 3 - episode 7
¿Quién tiene un plan excelente?
Episode 7:
Episode 7 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. If "El pollo tiene un plan" means "The chicken has a plan", how would I say, "The chicken doesn't have a plan"?
2. Why does it say in one of the last sentences in the video, "Tienen una cama" instead of "tiene una cama"? What does that "n" mean at the end of the action?
3. What would the following translate to, remembering what the "n" means on the end of an action:*
- quieren
- necesitan
- tienen
- saltan
- quieren saltar
- viven
- van a la selva
- vuelven
- comen
- le dicen
- están contentos
4. How would I make the above actions negative? Where would I put the "no"?
*"le gustan" will be an exception to this general rule since it's actually a backwards translation.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Story 3 - episode 6
¿Qué necesitan el mono, el pollo y el elefante en la selva?
Episode 6:
Episode 6 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "necesitan" mean? How can we remember it?*
2. What does "no necesitan" mean?
3. Why do you think that in some of the following sentences "necesita" ends in "n" and in some it doesn't?
- El león necesita comer al mono.
- El mono, el elefante y el pollo necesitan un plan.
- El mono necesita comer los plátanos.
- El pollo necesita escapar del león.
- Tres pingüinos necesitan helado rosado.
- Un pingüino necesita una familia.
4. What do you think the following would mean in English?
- La calle necesita tres casas.
- Los plátanos necesitan una familia.
- La isla necesita muchos cocos.
- El elefante necesita saltar en la cama.
- El pollo necesita amigos.
- La cama no necesita que el elefante salte.
*I remember "necesita(n)" has to do with "needs" because it looks like "necessary" and if something is "necessary", you need it.
*I remember "necesita(n)" has to do with "needs" because it looks like "necessary" and if something is "necessary", you need it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Story 3 - episode 5
¿Qué quiere comer el león en la selva?
Episode 5:
Episode 5 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What would "el león quiere comer" mean?
2. What would the following mean in English?
- El león no quiere comer helado azul.
- El león quiere comer dos animales.
- El mono quiere comer los plátanos.
- El mono y el pollo quieren comer los plátanos.
- El mono y el pollo no quieren* comer al elefante.
- El elefante azul no quiere comer los plátanos.
- Los plátanos no quieren* comer animales.
3. How would you say the following in Spanish? (Do your best even if it isn't perfect)
- The lion wants to eat the monkey and the chicken.
- The monkey wants to eat with the chicken.
- The elephant wants to eat the house with the coconuts.
- The white bananas want to eat the pink chicken on the bed.
- The brown beds want to eat coconuts in the beds.
*These end in "n" because more than one person/thing performs the action. The "n" at the end means "they [do something]"
- The lion wants to eat the monkey and the chicken.
- The monkey wants to eat with the chicken.
- The elephant wants to eat the house with the coconuts.
- The white bananas want to eat the pink chicken on the bed.
- The brown beds want to eat coconuts in the beds.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Story 3 - episode 4
¿Cuántos animales en total tienen hambre?
Episode 4:
Episode 4 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. Why does the monkey say "tengo hambre" instead of "estoy hambre" if "estoy" means "I am"?
2. How could the chicken have said, "I am hungry too/also" in Spanish?
3. Look at the following examples and see if you can figure out why there is an "n" on the end of "tiene" (*Hint, count the number of people/animals in most of them before the action: tiene)
- El mono tiene hambre.
- El mono y el pollo tienen hambre.
- El elefante tiene un pollo.
- El león tiene hambre.
- El mono tiene dos amigos.
- El elefante y el pollo tienen una cama en la calle.
- El león tiene una familia en la selva.
- Tres animales tienen hambre.
- ¿Tienen hambre cinco animales?
Story 3 - episode 3
¿Adónde vuelve el mono: la isla o la selva?
Episode 3:
Episode 3 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "vuelve" mean? How could we remember that it means that?
2. How are "vuelve" and "va a" similar/different in meaning?
3. What would "El elefante blanco vuelve a la casa azul" mean?
4. What would "El elefante rosado vuelve a cuatro casas también" mean?
*I hear the word "well" in "Vuelve". In some places, people have to dig up a "well" to access water and they always have to go back to the well for more water.
Have a better association for vuelve?
Write it in the comments section below!
Story 3 - episode 2
¿Cómo está el pollo en la calle?
Episode 2:
Episode 2 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. How are the phrases "tiene hambre" and "tiene un pollo" similar in Spanish?
How are they different in meaning?
2. What does "también" mean?
3. What would, "El pollo tiene un elefante también" mean?
4. What would, "La cama tiene dos calles también" mean?
5. What would, "El león tiene una familia también" mean?
6. What would "Me gustan los plátanos también" mean?
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Story 3 - episode 1
¿Cómo está el mono marrón en la calle?
Episode 1:
Episode 1 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "tiene hambre" mean? How can we remember that it means that?*
2. If "tiene" actually means "s/he has", what does the phrase "tiene hambre" literally translate to?
3. Why do you think that in Spanish people say that instead of "s/he is hungry"?
4. Do we say, "tiene triste" or "tiene contento" or "está triste" and "está contento"?
5. Which is the normal word we use to say "s/he is [feeling]"?
6. Is "tiene hambre" an exception to that?
7. What would "Un elefante blanco tiene hambre en la selva" mean?
8. What would "Tres leones negros tienen hambre en el restaurante" mean?
9. What would "Una cama azul tiene hambre en la calle negra" mean?
*When I see "Tiene hambre", I see "teen(ager) ham" because hungry teens see ham everywhere.
Have a better association?
Share it below in the comments section!
story 2 - Quiz!
How are you doing so far in the story?
Test your understanding on this QUIZ!
If it's a little bit difficult for you, feel free to re-watch the story again! Repetition never hurts when learning a language!
Test your understanding on this QUIZ!
If it's a little bit difficult for you, feel free to re-watch the story again! Repetition never hurts when learning a language!
story 2 - episode 12
¿Quién quiere comer los plátanos con el mono marrón?
Episode 12:
Episode 12 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "Quiere comer" mean?
2. What would, "El pollo quiere comer los plátanos con el mono" mean?
3. What would, "Los dos animales quieren comer los plátanos" mean?
4. If "le gusta" means "s/he likes", what do "me gusta" and "te gusta" mean?
5. What would, "Al elefante le gusta vivir en la calle" mean?
6. What would, "Al pollo le gustan las camas" mean?
7. What would the question, "¿Te gustan los cocos negros" mean?
story 2 - episode 11
¿Qué tiene el elefante azul?
Episode 11:
Episode 11 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "tiene" mean in the sentence, "El elefante azul tiene un pollo"?
2. Can you think of an association for "tiene" (s/he has)?*
3. What would, "El pollo tiene cuatro camas" mean?
4. What would, "El pollo blanco tiene cocos" mean?
5. What would, "El pollo negro tiene tres casas" mean?
*One possible association is that "tiene" looks like "ten" because people "have" ten fingers.
Have a better association idea?
Share it in the comments section!
story 2 - episode 10
¿Qué le dice el mono al elefante azul?
Episode 10:
Episode 10 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. Why does the monkey ask the elephant, "¿Cómo estás?"
2. Why does the elephant respond, 'Estoy contento" and not "Estás contento"?
3. How is the question "¿Cómo está el mono" different from the statement, "El mono está triste"?
4. How would I ask, "How is [feeling] the white llama"?
5. How would I ask, "How is [feeling] the black elephant"?
6. How would I ask, "How is [feeling] the lion"?
7. How would I say, "I not am [feeling] happy"?
story 2 - episode 9
¿Qué hay en la calle?
Episode 9:
Episode 9 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. Why do we say, "elefante azul" and not "azul elefante" in Spanish?
2. If "salta" means "s/he jumps" and "saltar" means "to jump", what letter on the end of the action means "to"?
3. What would, "Dos elefantes azules saltan en la cama" mean?
4. What would, "Tres monos marrones saltan en el elefante" mean?
5. What would "Diez camas rosadas tristes saltan en la calle" mean?
6. If "salta" means "s/he jumps", how would you say, "s/he doesn't jump"?
7. If "Hay una llama blanca" means "There is a white llama", how would you say, "There is a white bed"?
8. How can we remember that "salta' means "s/he jumps"?*
* "Salta' reminds me of "assault". When someone jumps a person in an alley, it is assault.
Have a better association for "salta"? Does it look like something or sound like something else to you that helps you remember?
Share it below in the comments section!
story 2 - episode 8
¿Por qué está triste en las montañas el mono?
Episode 8:
Episode 8 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What is the difference between, "¿Por qué" and "porque"? How will you be able to tell the difference?
2. What does "saltar" mean in the phrase, "El mono no quiere saltar en los plátanos"?
3. What would, "La llama negra quiere saltar en el mono blanco" mean?
4. What would, "La llama negra quiere saltar en el mono blanco" mean?
5. How would I say, "The house doesn't want to jump in the jungle"?
story 2 - episode 5
¿Adónde va el mono?
Episode 5:
Episode 5 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What happens to some of the colors when they describe, "la llama"?
- el mono marrón ---- la llama marrón
- el mono rosado ---- la llama rosada
- el mono blanco ---- la llama blanca
- el mono negro ---- la llama negra
- el mono azul ---- la llama azul
2. Why do you think they change like that?
3. Where do the colors (and many descriptions) go in Spanish?
4. How do you ask, "How are you [feeling]?"
5. How would you say, "There is a white llama in the mountains"?
6. How would you say, "There is a black elephant in the house"?
7. How would you say, "There is a pink house on the island?"
story 2 - episode 7
¿Por qué no quiere comer los plátanos con el mono la llama blanca?
Episode 7:
Episode 7 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What do "quieres" (you want) and "estás" (you are) have in common?
2. What letter do you think we will add to the end of most actions to say "you"?
3. What would, "Quiere comer los platanos la llama?" mean?
Is there a word in the question for "does" in Spanish?
4. What would, "¿Quieres comer conmigo?" mean?
5. What would "¿Quiere vivir con un mono?" mean?
6. What would "¿Estás a dieta?" mean?
story 2 - episode 6
¿La llama blanca quiere comer los plátanos con el mono en las montañas?
Episode 6:
Episode 6 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "estoy triste" mean? How is this similar to / different from "está triste"
2. Why does the monkey say, "estoy triste" and not "está triste"?
3. What would, "Estoy contento" mean?
4. What would, "Estoy en la selva" mean?
5. What would, "Estoy en las montañas" mean?
6. What would, "Estoy a dieta" mean?
story 2 - episode 4
¿El mono quiere comer los plátanos con el león?
Episode 4:
Episode 4 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "le gusta" mean in the sentence, "Al mono le gustan los plátanos"?
2. What does "te gusta" mean in the question, "¿Te gusta el helado?"
3. What does "me gusta" mean in the statement, "No me gustan los plátanos"?
4. In the examples below, why does "gusta" sometimes end with "n"?
- Al mono le gustan los plátanos
- Al mono no le gustan los cocos
- Al mono le gusta el helado
- Al mono le gusta la selva
- Al mono no le gusta la isla
- Al león le gustan los monos.
- Al león no le gusta la fruta.
story 2 - episode 3
¿Qué hay en la selva con el mono?
Episode 3:
Episode 3 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "quiere comer" mean?
2. What would "quiere vivir" mean?
3. What letter do we see on the end of "comer" and "vivir"? Why do you think we add that letter onto the end?
4. What does "otro" mean in the phrase "El mono quiere comer los plátanos con otro animal"?
5. What would "El león quiere comer otros animales" mean?
6. What would "El mono quiere vivir donde hay plátanos y otros animales" mean?
5. What would "El león quiere comer otros animales" mean?
6. What would "El mono quiere vivir donde hay plátanos y otros animales" mean?
story 2 - episode 2
¿Por qué no come los plátanos en la selva el mono?
Episode 2:
Episode 2 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "quiere" mean? How can we remember it?*
2. What does the phrase "quiere comer" mean?
3. In the question, "¿No quiere comer los plátanos solo el mono?:
do I have to add additional words to questions in Spanish like "does" or "do" to the beginning?
How does it look different from a statement: "El mono no quiere comer los plátanos solo" ?
4. What would the phrase, "El mono rosado y azul quiere comer pingüinos" mean?
*I think "quiere" looks like "query" and when you make a search query on google, it's because you want information on a topic.
Do you have a better association for "quiere"? Let me know below in the comments section!
4. What would the phrase, "El mono rosado y azul quiere comer pingüinos" mean?
Do you have a better association for "quiere"? Let me know below in the comments section!
story 2 - episode 1
¿Por fin come los plátanos el mono en la selva?
Episode 1:
Episode 1 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "come" mean? How can you remember it means that?*
2. How would I say, "The monkey eats"?
3. How would I say, "The monkey doesn't eat"?
3. What would the phrase, "El pollo azul no come monos en la selva" mean?
4. What would the phrase, "Al elefante marrón no le gusta comer selvas" mean?
5. How would I say, "The island doesn't eat the blue ice cream in the house"?
6. How would I say, "The brown monkey doesn't want to eat coconuts on the island"?
*I remember that "come" means "s/he eats" because it sounds like "comb" and a "comb" has teeth which you use to "eat" your food.
Do you have a better association? Let me know in this comments section!
story 1 - Quiz
Let's see how you're doing so far in your Spanish with a QUIZ!
Do your best! If you don't do that well, you might re-watch the first monkey story.
Don't worry, repetition never hurts in learning a language!
Do your best! If you don't do that well, you might re-watch the first monkey story.
Don't worry, repetition never hurts in learning a language!
story 1 - episode 11
¿Dónde está el mono marrón?
Episode 11:
Episode 11 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What do you think "está" means in the phrase, "El mono está en la selva"?
2. How would I make the sentence above negative? (what would I add, where would I add it?)
3. What would the phrase, "El mono marrón no está en la isla" mean?
4. What would the phrase, "La isla no está en el mono marrón" mean?
5. What would the phrase, "El mono está en la selva porque hay plátanos en la selva y le gustan los plátanos" mean?
6. How would I say, "The blue monkey isn't in two pink houses"?
7. How would I say, "The ice cream is sad in the jungle"?
story 1 - episode 10
¿Adónde va el mono marrón: a una casa o a la selva?
Episode 10:
Episode 10 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. If "va a" means "s/he goes to", what does "va" mean by itself?
2. If I want to ask a question in Spanish, like "does he go", do I have to add more words like in English or does "va" stay "va"?
4. What would the phrase, "La isla no va a Antártica" mean?
5. What would the phrase, "El mono va a la selva porque posiblemente hay plátanos en la selva" mean?
6. How would I say, "The monkey doesn't go to the house"?
story 1 - episode 9
¿Por qué no está contento el mono marrón?
Episode 9:
Episode 9 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "porque" mean in the sentence, "El mono no está contento porque no hay plátanos en Antártica"?
2. How would you say, "The penguin is happy".
3. How would you say "There is ice cream in Antarctica"?
4. How would you say "The penguin is happy because there is ice cream in Antarctica"?
5. How would you say, "The blue elephant is happy because there are coconuts in the jungle"?
story 1 - episode 8
¿Al mono le gusta el helado?
Episode 8:
Episode 8 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. How would you say, "The monkey doesn't like ice cream".
2. How would you say "The monkey doesn't like Antarctica"?
3. How would you say "The ice cream likes Antarctica"?
story 1 - episode 7
¿Adónde va el mono?
Episode 7:
Episode 7 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "va a" mean? How can we remember it means that?*
2. What does the phrase "El mono va a Antártica" mean?
3. What does the phrase, "El mono no va a Canadá" mean?
5. What would the phrase "Cuatro elefantes azules van a París" mean?
6. What would the phrase, "Al mono no le gusta Canadá" mean?
7. What would the phrase, "Los pingüinos viven en Antártica".
8. How would you say, "There aren't any bananas in Antarctica"?
9. How would you say, "There aren't any pink monkeys in Canada"?
*"va a" kind of sounds like the sound a sheep makes "ba-a-a-a-a". And so if you can remember that a sheep goes ba-a, you can remember "va a" means "s/he goes".
Do you have a better association for "va a"? Let me know in the comments section below!
story 1 - episode 6
¿Cómo está el mono?
Episode 6:
Episode 6 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "triste" mean in the sentence "El mono marrón está triste"?
2. What does "contento" mean in the sentence "El mono marrón no está contento"?
3. Why do you think we use "es" in the phrase "Es marrón" and "está" in the phrase "está triste?
4. If "está triste" means "he is [feeling] sad", how would you say, "he isn't [feeling] sad"?
5. What would the phrase "La casa azul está triste" mean?
6. What would the phrase, "Diez plátanos rosados están tristes en una casa" mean?
7. How can we remember that "está triste" means "s/he is sad"? Do you have an association?*
*I remember "triste" means "sad" because "triste" sounds like "tree stay" and if you tell a tree to say, he will be sad.
Do you have a better association? Does "está triste" look like anything or sound like anything that helps you remember what it means?
Write it in the comments section below!
story 1 - episode 5
¿Hay un problema?
Episode 5:
Episode 5 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "hay" mean in the sentence "hay un mono"?
2. What does "hay" mean in the sentence "hay cuatro cocos"
3. Why does the translation of "hay" change between number 1 and number 2?
4. If "hay" means "there is" and "there are", how would I say, "there isn't" or "there aren't" ?
5. What would the phrase "Hay cuatro cocos en la isla" mean?
6. What would the phrase, "Hay plátanos en la casa" mean?
story 1 - episode 4
¿Qué le gusta al mono?
Episode 4:
Episode 4 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "le gusta" mean? Do you have an association for it to help you remember?*
2. What does the phrase "Al mono marrón le gustan los plátanos" mean?
3. What does the phrase, "Al mono marrón no le gustan los cocos" mean?
4. How do we make a sentence negative in Spanish? (what word do we add, where do we add it?)
5. What would the phrase "A los plátanos les gusta el mono marrón" mean?
6. What would the phrase, "A tres casas les gustan las islas" mean?
*"Le gusta" sounds like "lay goose tah" and I think that "Tah, the goose, likes to lay eggs".
Do you have a better association to help you remember "le gusta"? Does it look like something or sound like something to you?
Let me know below in the comments section!
story 1 - episode 3
¿Dónde vive el mono?
Episode 3:
Episode 3 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "vive" mean? Do you have an association to help you remember?*
2. What does the phrase "El mono vive en una isla" mean?
3. What would the phrase "Una isla vive en un mono" mean?
4. What would the phrase "Un mono azul vive en una casa" mean?
5. What would the phrase, "Una casa azul vive en una isla marrón" mean?
*I think "vive" sounds kind of like "baby" only with the syllables switched. "bee-bay" instead of "bay-bee". And babies live with their families.
Did you think of a better association for "vive"? Does it look like something or sound like something that can help you remember, "s/he lives"?
Write it in the comment section below!
story 1 - episode 2
¿Qué hay?
Episode 2:
Episode 2 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "marrón" mean?
2. What does the phrase "El mono es marrón" mean?
3. What would the phrase "Hay un mono marrón" mean?
4. Where does the description normally go in Spanish?
story 1 - episode 1
¿De qué color es el mono?
Episode 1:
Episode 1 with pop-ups:
Additional follow-up questions:
1. What does "hay" mean?
2. What does the phrase "hay un mono" mean?
3. How could we remember "hay" means "there is" or "there are"? Could you think of what it looks like or sounds like to help you remember the meaning? This is called an association.*
*I think that "hay" looks like hay. And there is a lot of hay in a horse's stomach.
(Even though my association is pronounced differently, it will help me remember when I see it spelled).
Did you think of a better association? Nothing is too crazy. Write yours in the comments section!
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