Monday, March 30, 2015

Story 3 - episode 7

¿Quién tiene un plan excelente?

Episode 7:

Episode 7 with pop-ups:

Additional follow-up questions:
1. If "El pollo tiene un plan" means "The chicken has a plan", how would I say, "The chicken doesn't have a plan"?

2. Why does it say in one of the last sentences in the video, "Tienen una cama" instead of "tiene una cama"?  What does that "n" mean at the end of the action?

3. What would the following translate to, remembering what the "n" means on the end of an action:*
  • quieren
  • necesitan
  • tienen
  • saltan
  • quieren saltar
  • viven
  • van a la selva
  • vuelven
  • comen
  • le dicen
  • están contentos
4. How would I make the above actions negative?  Where would I put the "no"?

*"le gustan" will be an exception to this general rule since it's actually a backwards translation.

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