Saturday, April 4, 2015

Story 3 - episode 13

¿Qué necesita hacer el mono?

Episode 13:

Episode 13 with pop-ups:

Additional follow-up questions:
1. Look at the following phrases:
  • El elefante salta en un árbol.
  • El mono y el león saltan en la cama.

Why do you think there is an "n" on after "salta" in the second sentence (hint, look at the part before the verb/action: saltan and compare it to the sentence above it.)

2.What does the elephant mean when he tells the monkey, "Necesitas saltar de la cama"?

3. What would the following mean (Translate no matter how strange):
  • Necesitas saltar en el árbol.
  • Necesitas saltar en la calle.
  • Necesitas saltar en la casa blanca.
  • Necesitas correr del león.
  • Necesitas correr de los cocos tristes.
  • No necesitas tener* hambre.
  • No necesitas tener* plátanos marrones.
  • No necesitas tener* casas azules y rosadas en una isla.
  • Necesitas volver* a la casa en la calle en la selva en la isla.

4. Why does the second verb/action have "r" on the end after the first verb/action in #3? (What do you think that "r" means on the end of the verb/action?)

*'tener" is similar to "tiene" (s/he has) and "volver" is similar to "vuelve" (s/he goes back)

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